
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class CommandHandler(val value: Array<String>, val rateLimits: RateLimits = RateLimits(0, 0), val scope: Array<UpdateType> = [UpdateType.MESSAGE], val guard: KClass<out Guard> = DefaultGuard::class, val argParser: KClass<out ArgumentParser> = DefaultArgParser::class)

The annotation used to mark the function used to process the specified commands.


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annotation class CallbackQuery(val value: Array<String>, val autoAnswer: Boolean = false, val rateLimits: RateLimits = RateLimits(0, 0), val guard: KClass<out Guard> = DefaultGuard::class, val argParser: KClass<out ArgumentParser> = DefaultArgParser::class)

Shortcut CommandHandler annotation with specified scope for UpdateType.CALLBACK_QUERY.


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Custom argument parser.

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val guard: KClass<out Guard>

Guard condition that will be checked.

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Query limits for this particular command.

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Scope in which the command will be checked.

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Keywords of the command.