
inline fun createChatSubscriptionInviteLink(subscriptionPrice: Int, name: String? = null, subscriptionPeriod: Duration = 30.days): CreateChatSubscriptionInviteLinkAction

Use this method to create a subscription invite link for a channel chat. The bot must have the can_invite_users administrator rights. The link can be edited using the method editChatSubscriptionInviteLink or revoked using the method revokeChatInviteLink. Returns the new invite link as a ChatInviteLink object.

Api reference



Unique identifier for the target channel chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)


Invite link name; 0-32 characters


The number of seconds the subscription will be active for before the next payment. Currently, it must always be 2592000 (30 days).


The amount of Telegram Stars a user must pay initially and after each subsequent subscription period to be a member of the chat; 1-2500