
sealed class InlineQueryResult

This object represents one result of an inline query. Telegram clients currently support results of the following 20 types:

  • InlineQueryResultCachedAudio

  • InlineQueryResultCachedDocument

  • InlineQueryResultCachedGif

  • InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif

  • InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto

  • InlineQueryResultCachedSticker

  • InlineQueryResultCachedVideo

  • InlineQueryResultCachedVoice

  • InlineQueryResultArticle

  • InlineQueryResultAudio

  • InlineQueryResultContact

  • InlineQueryResultGame

  • InlineQueryResultDocument

  • InlineQueryResultGif

  • InlineQueryResultLocation

  • InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif

  • InlineQueryResultPhoto

  • InlineQueryResultVenue

  • InlineQueryResultVideo

  • InlineQueryResultVoice Note: All URLs passed in inline query results will be available to end users and therefore must be assumed to be public.

Api reference



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@SerialName(value = "article")
data class Article(val id: String, val title: String, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val url: String? = null, val hideUrl: Boolean? = null, val description: String? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "audio")
data class Audio(val id: String, val audioUrl: String, val title: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val performer: String? = null, val audioDuration: Int? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "audio")
data class CachedAudio(val id: String, val audioFileId: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "document")
data class CachedDocument(val id: String, val title: String, val documentFileId: String, val description: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "gif")
data class CachedGif(val id: String, val gifFileId: String, val title: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "mpeg4_gif")
data class CachedMpeg4Gif(val id: String, val mpeg4FileId: String, val title: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "photo")
data class CachedPhoto(val id: String, val photoFileId: String, val title: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "sticker")
data class CachedSticker(val id: String, val stickerFileId: String, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "video")
data class CachedVideo(val id: String, val videoFileId: String, val title: String, val description: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "voice")
data class CachedVoice(val id: String, val voiceFileId: String, val title: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "contact")
data class Contact(val id: String, val title: String, val phoneNumber: String, val firstName: String, val lastName: String? = null, val userId: Long? = null, val vcard: String? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "document")
data class Document(val id: String, val title: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val documentUrl: String, val mimeType: String, val description: String? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "game")
data class Game(val id: String, val gameShortName: String, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "gif")
data class Gif(val id: String, val gifUrl: String, val gifWidth: Int? = null, val gifHeight: Int? = null, val gifDuration: Int? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String, val thumbnailMimeType: String, val title: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "location")
data class Location(val id: String, val longitude: Float, val latitude: Float, val title: String, val horizontalAccuracy: Float? = null, val livePeriod: Int? = null, val heading: Int? = null, val proximityAlertRadius: Int? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "mpeg4_gif")
data class Mpeg4Gif(val id: String, val mpeg4Url: String, val mpeg4Width: Int? = null, val mpeg4Height: Int? = null, val mpeg4Duration: Int? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String, val thumbnailMimeType: String, val title: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "photo")
data class Photo(val id: String, val photoUrl: String, val thumbnailUrl: String, val photoWidth: Int? = null, val photoHeight: Int? = null, val title: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "venue")
data class Venue(val id: String, val longitude: Float, val latitude: Float, val title: String, val address: String, val foursquareId: String? = null, val foursquareType: String? = null, val googlePlaceId: String? = null, val googlePlaceType: String? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val thumbnailUrl: String? = null, val thumbnailWidth: Int? = null, val thumbnailHeight: Int? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "video")
data class Video(val id: String, val videoUrl: String, val mimeType: String, val thumbnailUrl: String, val title: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val videoWidth: Int? = null, val videoHeight: Int? = null, val videoDuration: Int? = null, val description: String? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null, val showCaptionAboveMedia: Boolean? = null) : InlineQueryResult
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@SerialName(value = "voice")
data class Voice(val id: String, val voiceUrl: String, val title: String, val caption: String? = null, val parseMode: ParseMode? = null, val captionEntities: List<MessageEntity>? = null, val voiceDuration: Int? = null, val replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup? = null, val inputMessageContent: InputMessageContent? = null) : InlineQueryResult


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