
open class BaseRedisLinkStateManager<L : StatefulLink<IdLong, T>, T : Any>(host: String = "localhost", port: Int = 6379, storageType: KClass<T>, linkRef: KClass<L>, serializer: Json = Json, stateKeySelector: KeySelector<IdLong>) : RedisLinkStateManager<L, T> (source)


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constructor(host: String = "localhost", port: Int = 6379, storageType: KClass<T>, linkRef: KClass<L>, serializer: Json = Json, stateKeySelector: KeySelector<IdLong>)


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open val redis: ReThis
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open override val stateKey: KeySelector<IdLong>


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open suspend override fun del(key: IdLong)
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open suspend override fun get(key: IdLong): T?
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open suspend override fun set(key: IdLong, value: T)